Drop in lessons - every Friday

Every friday except holidays 20:00-22:00. Starting again on the 6th of September. Buurtcentrum De Leeuw, entrance at Troelstralaan. Improv lessons for all levels. Experienced and first timers. We play fun games, you learn the principles of improv and you meet a group of fun and open minded people. Afterwards we go to O'Leary's pub. You can come in with the others between 19:50-20:00h. Check at the sign up sheet if there is a lesson. Pay €10, €15, €20 or nothing, depending on your finances.

Beginners improv theatre📅Tue 17th of Sept

You will learn the basic techniques and mindset of improvisation, through fun and easy games. You will expore playfulness, listening with intent, accept making mistakes, discover your imagination and creative thinking, build confidence, improve your communication skills and mostly: have fun! We end the course with an intimate show. Level: no theatre experience needed. Tuesdays 17 Sep – 10 Dec 19:00-21:00h, location ZIMIHC Wittevrouwen. December. Teacher Burgert Kirsten. 12 lessons plus mini show €300.

English improvisation course Utrecht

Beginners Improv theatre 📅 Tue 17 sep

You will learn the basic techniques and mindset of improvisation, through fun and easy games. You will expore playfulness, listening with intent, accept making mistakes, discover your imagination and creative thinking, build confidence, improve your communication skills and mostly: have fun! We end the course with an intimate show. Level: no theatre experience needed. Tuesdays 17 Sep – 10 Dec 20:50-22:20h, location Buurcentrum De Jager. Small show in the weekend of 13-15 or on 18th of December. Teacher Emma Holmes. 12 lessons plus mini show €225.

Relationships & meaningful scenes 📅Tue 17th of Sept

Level: Intermediate. This course focuses on the real main skill in acting in improv scenes: acting = reacting. Learn to create a relationship with the other character(s). Become a character with emotions, whishes, opinions and let your character be touched and changed by others. This course is especially good if you want to play more open scenes than structured games. Course starts Tuesday 17 Sept - Tue 11 Dec. Show in the weekend of 13-15 Dec. Teacher Emma Holmes. Time 19:00-20:45h. Location Buurtcentrum De Jager, Utrecht €275

Storytelling Masterclass Wed 18th of Sept

The best presentation, speech or improv is done when you are aware of all your performance strengths and weaknesses, skills and assets. There is no better way to get to know these than by learning to perform as yourself; a true story, a piece of stand-up or an excellent speech. In this course you will try to discover who you are as performers as you enter the new worlds of stand-up comedy, storytelling and presentation skills. Emma Holmes will walk you through the basics of both these art forms and help you overall with your public speaking. Level: no experience needed. You get coaching on your own style. Course Wed 18 Sep - Wed 12 Dec. 12 lessons plus a show (in the weekend of 13-15 Dec). Lessons 18:45-20:30. Location Buurtcentrum De Oase Utrecht. €300 Teacher Emma Holmes, professional storyteller, stand-up comedian, improv trainer. Organiser of storytelling and comedy events.

Improv Stories in scenes 📅Start Wed 18th of Sept

Level: intermediate. Let’s dive into stories and scenes that are more meaningful. We will be working on: the story spine and the Hero's Journey of Steven Campbell: narrative structure, what happens next, stick to your character, making it matter, emotional change. We will play improv story games, and a lot of open scenes. Wednesday 18 September- 11 December 19:00-21:00, show on 15 December. Teacher Burgert Kirsten. Lessons at ZIMIHC Wittevrouwen. € 300 for 12 lessons plus a show

De Harold (NL)

In het Nederlands! Gevorderdencursus Longform De Harold is één van de meest-gespeelde longform formats ter wereld, en terecht! Het format is theatraal, speels, veelzijdig en kan bijna oneindig worden uitgediept. Ondanks de vaste structuur, is er enorm veel ruimte voor variatie en dat maakt de Harold het uitgelezen format om longform skills mee te trainen. Donderdag 19 september - 12 december 19:45-21:45. Locatie Buurtcentrum De Jager. Docent Bettie van der Niet. 12 lessen plus een voorstelling op 13 december. €300

Yes And


  •  Be ready to change
  •  Yes And: think in possibilities
  •  Improve your Listening & Communication skills
  •  Be a team player: make your partner look good
  •  Feel confident in speaking in front of an audience
  • Use failure to your advantage
  • Have fun while learning!


Every Friday except school holidays 20:00-22:00h at Buurtcentrum De Leeuw. Bring a bottle of water and wear comfortable clothes. Pay what you think it was worth. Suggestion €10-€20 We use the money to rent the room and pay our professional teachers. You are free to pay less if you don’t have much income. Sign up by adding your name to the list and put an “x” in the column of the date. If it’s your first time, I’d like to have your contact details, for in case a lesson has to be canceled (which has happened only once).

How to enter the building: 
You can come in with the others between 19:50-20:00h. The entrance is this side entrace at the Troelstralaan. 

Parking is free near Gisbert Bromlaan and further (10 min walking)

Friday drinks 22:15h – late at O’Leary’s pub (Adelaarstraat 23)


Trouble choosing a course? Other course requests? Do you need help with the payments? Do you want to be on a waiting list? Contact Marieke!

English improvisation course Utrecht


  • Buy a ticket directly at You can pay at once, or in 2 terms. 
  • Or send an e-mail to with your name, e-mail address, telephone number, name of the course  You can ask for an invoice.
  • Let us know if you have issues with finances.
  • The course will start with a minimum of 8 participants. If a course is canceled you will be notified in time and offered an alternative course or date, or you will receive your money back. 


Beginners don’t have to have any experience in theatre. It will help if you have joined one of the Drop in lessons. 

What level is Intermediate? Minimum of 1 course of improv lessons.

What if I am not fluent in English? No problem! For most of us English is not our mothertongue. We keep it simple.