Applied Improv workshop Polarity

5th of July, Utrecht, free

Are you interested in trainings with experiential learning? Are you a trainer, L&D professional, HR, manager or coach? Or are you an AIN member (Applied Improv Network)? Let’s get together for this try-out workshop by Burgert Kirsten, followed by network drinks.

Friday 5th of July
12:30 walk in, coffee
13:00-16:00 workshop
16:00 feedback on workshop
16:30 drinks until 18:00h

Price: workshop is free, drinks are cheap
Location: ! NB We moved to a bigger location:, papendorpseweg 100, Utrecht (not De Schuur anymore). DIRECTIONS click here
Maximum 32 participants
Sign up at or click on the blue button

Our teacher Burgert Kirsten got accepted as a workshop leader/speaker at the AIN Global conference in Prague this summer. On the 5th of July he does a try our version of this workshop. Improv Utrecht is proud that their trainer is selected, so we organise this free workshop including a network event, meet other trainers and applied improv professionals.


To be human is to live in the tension between polarities, doing and being, belonging and freedom, masculine and feminine and so on. We often have a preference for one side of a polarity and a rejection for the other side. However, balance, health and creative energy comes through integrating both sides.

This isn’t just true for us as individuals but as a collective. In teams, organizations and communities there is tension between structure and flow, leadership and followership, tradition and innovation, and the list goes on and on. In this learning journey, we will play with polarities in an individual and a collective level. First by identifying what are the important polarities we need to bring in focus by using polarity mapping and then through applied improv and forum theater create an embodied experience to bring these polarities into balance to unlock growth and creative energy.

This workshop is based on a case study in which Burgert used the polarity mapping tool with Forum theatre to help an IT architect team to shift from a psychologically unsafe culture to a psychologically safe one.

More about the Conference and the Applied Improv Network here
Read about the learning journey of Burgert ans others here
Check Burger Kirsten’s linkedin. 

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